Morocco-Protecting industrial property
Law NO. 17.97 of 2014
It enacted the scope of protecting industrial property and patent, it also enacted provisions related to granting, registering and publishing patents, patent holders rights, the expiry and invalidation of patent rights, and transfer of patent ownership, duration of patent.
Patent , Industrial design
Sudan-Patent law
Law of 1971
The law covers many important aspects related to granting, registering and publishing patents, patent holders rights, the expiry and invalidation of patent rights, and transfer of patent ownership, duration of patent and fees.
Oman-Patent law
Law NO. 82 of 2000
The law covers many important aspects related to granting, requirements for registering and publishing patents.
Iraq-Patent law
Law NO.65 of 1970
The law covers many important aspects related to granting, registering and publishing patents, right of priority, the expiry and invalidation of patent rights, and transfer of patent ownership, as well as it has a provision covering industrial design-related issues.
Patent , Industrial design
KSA-Patent law
This system aims to provide complete protection - inside the Kingdom - of inventions, layout designs for integrated circuits, plant varieties, and industrial models.
Patent , Industrial design
Libya-Patent law
Law NO. 132 of 1949
The law includes provisions related to the patent system, procedure to register a patent, layout, and industrial design, the expiry and invalidation of patent rights, and transfer of patent ownership and licensing for its exploitation.
Patent , Industrial design
Tunisia-Patent law
Law NO. 84 of 2000
The law covers many important aspects related to granting, requirements for registering and publishing patents, right of priority, as well as the expiry and invalidation of patent rights.
Lebanon-Patent law
Law No. 240 of 2000
The law covers many important aspects related to granting, requirements for registering and publishing patents, right of priority, as well as the expiry and invalidation of patent rights.
Yemen-Patent law
Law NO.2 of 2011
The law aimed at promoting innovation and invention in Yemen, also to develop technical and scientific research in view of increasing the rate of local and foreign investments and trade, as well as the transfer of technologies to develop and promote industrial activities in Yemen.
Egypt-Patent law
Law NO. 82 of 2002
The law includes provisions related to the patent system, layout designs for integrated circuits, and utility models.