World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Provides a list of websites of SME support institutions to help your SME contact organizations, which will help expand and grow your business. Tags: Enabling SMEs |
SDGs Compass The SDG Compass provides an SDG Guide for companies on how they can align their strategies and manage their contributions to the achievement of the SDGs. Tags: SDGs |
Global Goals Global Goals informs you on how you can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. The website provides information on how to support the goals, spread the word and stay updated. Tags: SDGs |
UN Sustainable Development The UN Sustainable Development website provides information on SDGs, their targets, as well as best practices to implement for their achievement by 2030. Tags: SDGs |
SDGs Pulse SDGs Pulse presents statistical updates on a select number of SDGs, as well as presenting UNCTAD capacity development programs’ case studies. These studies illustrate the results-based management approach of these programs. Tags: SDGs |
Industrial Training Handbook UNEP provides an industrial training handbook for promoting resource efficiency in small and medium sized enterprises. The content focuses on the specific needs and organisational capabilities of SMEs in developing countries. Tags: Training |
Start and Improve Your Business Programme The ILO provides a number of training packages to help your business. Information includes generating business ideas, improving your business costing and record keeping. Tags: Business Ideas |
Improve Your Exhibiting Skills (IYES) Improve Your Exhibiting Skills (IYES) is a training package for facilitators to enhance women's capacity to access and participate in trade fairs. Tags: Training, Women |
GET Ahead for Women in Enterprise GET Ahead for Women in Enterprise is a training package and resource kit for low-income women and men engaged in or wishing to start a small-scale business. It highlights entrepreneurial skills from a gender perspective. Tags: Training, Women |
International Labour Organization (ILO) ILO provides information on entrepreneurship and management skills, access to markets and guidelines on productivity and working conditions. The website provides a 2015 report on SMEs and employment creation. Tags: Entrepreneurship |